Governing body of a city, town, village, or county: member or member-elect may refuse to accept salary
Act 49
Publication of a local governmental unit ordinance in a newspaper: requirements revised -
Act 72
Levy limits modified and extended; new exceptions created [Sec. 1878d-1899, 9155 (3t), 9441 (6n)] [1880, 1881, 1882, 1892 — partial veto; 1896 — vetoed]
Act 20
Marriage license applicant, regardless of age, required to present a certified copy of his or her birth certificate
Act 214
Paternity judgments: DWD payment of vital records fees in certain cases [Sec. 3746h, i, 9354 (2d)]
Act 20
Vital records fee changes [Sec. 1918g-s, 9421 (9w)] -
Act 20
Part-time fire fighter or EMT re private, nonprofit volunteer fire company or a volunteer fire department or EMS program maintained by a local governmental unit: wages paid at regular intervals, but no less than annually, by agreement with employers -
Act 195
Volunteer fire fighter and EMT wage payment frequency revised
Act 7
Child advocacy centers: funding for [Sec. 125g, 536m] -
Act 20
USH 14 pavement resurfacing project in Rock and Walworth counties [Sec. 9148 (6i)] -
Act 20
Cemetery associations and cemetery authorities law revisions re deposits and investments of and trustees of care funds and preneed trust funds, licensure and registration of certain cemeteries, reporting requirements, sale or encumbrance of cemetery land, and regulation of warehouses
Act 174
SHSW storage facility operation: Indian gaming receipts to fund [Sec. 230, 542] -
Act 20
Local roads improvement program grants: state veterans cemetery access road in Washburn County, 85th Street in Village of Pleasant Prairie, and McComb Avenue in Village of Rib Lake [Sec. 307, 9148 (3), (9z), (14qq)]
Act 20
Clean water fund, Safe drinking water loan, and Land recycling loan programs: revision re present value and bonding authority [Sec. 585, 586, 3074-3076] -
Act 20
Impact fee revisions re time period in which they may be used and payment of by the developer or property owner; costs of certain professional services provided through a political subdivision; fee for acquisition or improvement of public park land permitted re plat approval; dedication on a plat of storm water treatment facilities for the public
Act 44
Nonpoint source financial assistance and program assistance re flood control, riparian restoration, and storm water runoff: bonding authority increased [Sec. 587, 588, 590]
Act 20
PCB contaminated sediment: compensation program for remediation created [Sec. 282w, 3094h, 9135 (1f)]
Act 20
Soil and Water Resource Management Program bonding increase [Sec. 596] -
Act 20
Great Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact ratified; water withdrawal use, registration, and reporting; water conservation provisions; water supply planning
Act 227
Liquefied petroleum gas supplier regulations and licensing requirements; one-call system for receiving excavation notices and transmitting notices revised; private transmission facilities and forfeiture provisions -
Act 203
``Avery Wilber Memorial Bridge": DOT directed to designate and mark the planned STH 156 bridge across the Shioc River in the Town of Navarino as; contributions provision
Act 30
Fox River Boardwalk in City of Green Bay: grant from WDF required [Sec. 195, 9108 (6c)] -
Act 20
Great Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact ratified; water withdrawal use, registration, and reporting; water conservation provisions; water supply planning
Act 227
Kickapoo Valley Reserve Visitor Center in Town of Stark: annual payments re aids in lieu of property taxes [Sec. 770g, m] -
Act 20
Lower Fox River Remediation Authority created; duties defined [for section numbers, see entry under ``Lower Fox River Remediation Authority"] -
Act 20
Marina condominium: riparian rights, easement, boat slips and docking facilities, and definition provisions [Sec. 717g, r, 3703g, r] -
Act 20
Navigable waters regulation revisions re permit exemption for certain piers and wharves, boat slips, exemption for certain existing structures, repair and maintenance, solid piers, and funding; DNR prohibited from certain enforcement
Act 204
Nonpoint source financial assistance and program assistance re flood control, riparian restoration, and storm water runoff: bonding authority increased [Sec. 587, 588, 590]
Act 20
Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission funding [Sec. 282e, f, 9135 (2v), 9435 (1w)] -
Act 20
Stillwater Bridge across the St. Croix River: DOT to contract with financial consultant re financing construction of [Sec. 9148 (9y)] -
Act 20
``Veterans Memorial Bridge": DOT directed to designate and mark the 4th Street bridge over the Wisconsin River in the City of Tomahawk as; contributions from interested parties required -
Act 6
``Veterans of the American Revolution Memorial Bridge": certain bridge across the Wisconsin River in Columbia County designated as; DOT duty set; contributions provision
Act 161
Great Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact ratified; water withdrawal use, registration, and reporting; water conservation provisions; water supply planning
Act 227
STH 78 reconstruction project in Village of Merrimac: DOT to pay portion of costs to relocate water and sewer utilities [Sec. 2523w] -
Act 20
Utility installation cost reimbursement to City of Crandon [Sec. 309c, 9148 (9x)] -
Act 20
Child advocacy centers: funding for [Sec. 125g, 536m] -
Act 20
Hail damage to vehicles: note on certificate of title requirement modified (remedial legislation) -
Act 138
Urban forestry grants expanded to include trees damaged by catastrophic storm events -
Act 13
Forest grant program established for the control of invasive plants in weed management areas [Sec. 281qm, 699c-x, 702] -
Act 20
Well compensation grant program expanded to include wells required to be abandoned [Sec. 282p, 3081pb-qj]
Act 20
West Allis Crosstown Bike Trail: grant from the congestion mitigation and air quality improvement program, local match required [Sec. 9148 (9c)] -
Act 20
Multi-use trail in City of Whitewater: transportation enhancements grant, local match required [Sec. 9148 (8i)]
Act 20
``Avery Wilber Memorial Bridge": DOT directed to designate and mark the planned STH 156 bridge across the Shioc River in the Town of Navarino as; contributions provision
Act 30
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